where are we?
I don’t know yet
where are we going?
I don’t know, what’s the big deal?
I’m just asking
well, you ask too many questions
what’s wrong with that?
nothing, but this is a good song, so shhh for one minute
I’m just messing around…well, it is a good song
you don’t have to shut up
well what the hell are you telling me to shoosh for then?
okay, now we’ve missed the song, I’m starting it over, just listen for the four minutes, can you handle that?
what did you think?
that is a good song
I told you
yes, you sure did
getting back to what we were talking about before the song..where do you see yourself going with all of this anyway?
I don’t know, I just want some piece of mind
and you think this is your answer?
well, it should help
I guess
Why don’t you think so?
I just think you need to find a mirror first
you need a better mirror than the one you’ve been looking in
I’m lost
you’re getting all introspective lately, but I think it’s fueled by some other power, some other people or something
I guess I get what you mean
well, look at it this way, you have problems, they have problems, I have problems, you start analyzing yourself, and you get advice from people who have the same problems, you’re getting advice from bad new age books, you need to make your own mirror and try and see yourself how you want to see yourself my opinion of how you should be shouldn’t matter, nor should the ideas some of these so called friends give you nobody knows what’s best for you better than you do
I guess so
no, it’s true
I just need to do something quick though
well, you go for the quick fix and you’re going to be taking this ride with me again talking about this same shit
I know I just feel like I’m at a dead end right now
was that a goat on the side of the road there?
forget it
I just feel lost I guess
well, you can’t be lost if you’re not going anywhere
so get off your ass and do something
like what
I don’t know, paint, write a novel, learn how to walk the tightrope, find a career
a career in tightrope walking?
sure why not?
tightrope walking?
yeah, they must make money
by being fucked enough to want to walk a tightrope
I’m sure there’s not many of them
you’re right, who walks tightropes?
would you ever walk a tightrope?
Hell no
why not?
because, that’s fucked up
can I have one of your cigarettes?
thanks, where’s your lighter?
so why wouldn’t you walk a tightrope?
it’s not necessary
so why should I do it then?
I think you’d be good at it
because you have some practice already
I do?
well, sort of
I hate heights though
no you don’t
yes I do
you don’t
what do you mean, of course I do
you think you do, but you really don’t think about it
ummm…yeah, I’m still scared of them
okay whatever you say
would you rescue someone from a high building if you had a big ladder?
What kind of question is that?
A hypothetical one
fuck you
I don’t know, it would depend, is the building on fire?
Don’t get into specifics
why not? I want to know what kind of trouble I might get myself into
trouble? it’s a simple question, would you or wouldn’t you?
no I wouldn’t
because I’m afraid of heights
so you wouldn’t save the little boy and his pet dog?
you didn’t say anything about a little boy, or a dog!
why, is it different now?
no, but you said there were no specifics
it was my hypothetical question, I can do anything I want with it
not fair, is this cd repeating itself now?
yeah, I’ll put something else on
can I pick something?
ummm…yeah, well, let me play this for you you’ll love it
oh yeah, I forgot that you control the music in your car
the driver should be comfortable as possible
what does that have anything to do with anything?
I shouldn’t have to listen to something I don’t want to while I’m driving
these are all your cd’s though!
yeah, but I’m usually not in the same mood as someone else might be
but these are your cd’s
yeah, but right now, it’s three-fifteen in the morning, I’m not going to want to hear Motorhead most likely, I want to hear Django or the Stones or something
well, can’t you let someone look and pick something with you
of course not
where are we?
the beach
what are we doing?
we need to talk
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